วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Bad story ,I feel that

Several days ago. I felt so bad because I got a News from one artist.
I know him and I read a history about him.

I feel very bad . About resignation of him.
It very bad , His dream is destroyed.

someone feel like me want to said about it but It not good to said that.
I hope you fine and happy in soon.
when you feel good.....
I hope you show them is you can make it yourself.
Stand in you space and shine.

Although I not your fans,but I Appreciated you.
You're very strong leader in team, good brother,Grateful and very interesting.
Those thing to make you're a good person.
Thank you is you make a happiness for your fans,It's a memory and worthy lesson.

good bye........I'm sorry about this story


About LNG102

I feel happy when I study in LNG 102
In the past ,I felt bored when I study English. But now I feel happy with it because my teacher.
my teacher is a good teacher. He already to give everything is he know for me and his student.
when I study in LNG102 ,my teacher teach me about english and relax together.
The activities in LNG102 is novelty. I never learn english by youtube and listening a person in england.

when I meet something,I want to tell someone or I want to write about it.
So,my blog is a good friend .
And when my blog have a comment ,I feel good. It show me,I have a someone interest about me.

My teacher,my friend and everybody in LNG102

Thank you for made a good memory together. thanks a lot ^^.

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

In summer

This summer ........ I have a plan.
I will going to a sea,and I'm sure I must see an Andaman pearls. Haha
It's very very very beautiful WOW but I can't diving!!!.

Haha It's so sad. I will practice now!.

my story.....

for a north people ....when you going to a sea, first thing is you do is test a sea taste.
and I do that. Haha

my sea ...when I going to meet you,you always beautiful.

And In summer I will meet my sea and I will give a water sea for you ---aloha.

Buttttttt before I go to a sea I have a final test and I will do it complete.

Aloha In summer bye^^

The first year in University

first time in BKK for me, It's interesting,fantastic and luxury.
And today I'm a student of KMUTT

first year , I think It's not difficult and I can smile smile smile every time but It's not true.
You meet a problem in your new life,adjustment,friend,address etc.
for example ....
1. your home work
2. your assignment
3. your project
4. found new friend
5. your food such as "Today,I must eat......(something ).....for my health." when you don't stay with your mom,time of food is bad. Haha

for 8 months ago ....
I think I got many experience for living and deverlop to a good adult.
This year >> I will go up 1 step in my life and I will meet a new generation in this year too.


วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Be Myself

waz zup haha^^

Today>>>>I met a something was changed.
sometime ......It's call thoughtfulness.
sometime......I feel, It's a feeling.

today....May be.....you can't get about me.
that's TRUE haha because I don't understand myself too.


sometime you think you're "Right" But you're "Wrong" How you should be.... Ah I don't know.
some time you feel funny and be youself but other don't think that. How you should be....Umm perhaps you should stay at your point.

when I meet a problem ,I will gonna tell my mother or my sister. And I always recieve a good comment.
But today I want to stand by myself. Find the reasons to answers myself. "Yes..I(may be) Can"

haha...sometime everybody need a somebody walk together .
but sometime somebody want to stand alone ^^.

Today I miss my family and my home town very much. and I feel,I 'm gaga.
