วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The first year in University

first time in BKK for me, It's interesting,fantastic and luxury.
And today I'm a student of KMUTT

first year , I think It's not difficult and I can smile smile smile every time but It's not true.
You meet a problem in your new life,adjustment,friend,address etc.
for example ....
1. your home work
2. your assignment
3. your project
4. found new friend
5. your food such as "Today,I must eat......(something ).....for my health." when you don't stay with your mom,time of food is bad. Haha

for 8 months ago ....
I think I got many experience for living and deverlop to a good adult.
This year >> I will go up 1 step in my life and I will meet a new generation in this year too.


