วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553


About LNG102

I feel happy when I study in LNG 102
In the past ,I felt bored when I study English. But now I feel happy with it because my teacher.
my teacher is a good teacher. He already to give everything is he know for me and his student.
when I study in LNG102 ,my teacher teach me about english and relax together.
The activities in LNG102 is novelty. I never learn english by youtube and listening a person in england.

when I meet something,I want to tell someone or I want to write about it.
So,my blog is a good friend .
And when my blog have a comment ,I feel good. It show me,I have a someone interest about me.

My teacher,my friend and everybody in LNG102

Thank you for made a good memory together. thanks a lot ^^.

